Color Photography

Артикул: 038601
15 860
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Color Photography is a tribute to those photographers who elevate the use of color to an art form. Depending on the photographer, the subject and the period, color can be beautiful or ugly, showy or neutral. Edited by one of the greatest specialists in photography, Color Photography represents an incredible range of styles and genres, including nude, still life, fashion, portrait, architecture and landscape--in the work of more than 100 photographers. The collection includes images by the following: John Rawlings; Louise Dahl-Wolfe; Cecil Beaton; Guy Bourdin; Paolo Roversi; Erwin Blumenfeld; Edward Weston; Martin Parr; Joel Meyerowitz; Andreas Gursky; William Eggleston; Edward Steichen; Annie Leibovitz; Sarah Moon; Horst P. Horst; Sheila Metzner; Paul Outerbridge; and Javier Vallhonrat, among others.

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