Sheldon S. Master Оf Тhe Game

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She is the symbol of success, the beautiful woman who parlayed her inheritance into an international conglomerate. Winner of a unique position among the wealthy and world-renowned. And she's a survivor, indomitable as her father, the man who returned from the edge of death to wrench a fortune in diamonds from the bleak South African earth. Now, celebrating her ninetieth birthday, Kate surveys the family she has manipulated, dominated, and loved: the fair and the grotesque, the mad and the mild, the good and the evil -- her winnings in life. Is she the...

Mass Market Paperback: 496 pages.

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (July 2, 1988).

Language: English.

ISBN-13: 978-0446355452.

Product Dimensions: 4.2 x 1.2 x 6.8 inches.

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