The Beauty Within

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According to popular wisdom, beauty is within. But nothing is said about how to get it out, or what on earth you can do with it. In this book, the Belgian decorator Geoffroy Van Hulle demonstrates how it can be seen: beauty, on the inside of a house but also on the inside of a life.

Photographer Raf Ketelslagers captures this vision in incredible images, capturing inspirational interiors, while writer and TV presenter Jo De Poorter describes things that can be beautiful, compelling and imposing outside the walls of the house: from the Académie Francais, the Frick Collection, Dusty Springfield and Levi's jeans to a handful of brioches, Bree Van Der Camp, two or three requiems, Viagra, and the holy virgin Mary herself, in the form of a piece of soap.

Geoffroy Van Hulle is a decorator. He decorates houses, apartments and restaurants in the Benelux, the United Kingdom, France and the United States. His style is contemporary eclectic with baroque and classical influences. He is not afraid of color, character and a stuffed crane here and there. As significant sources of inspiration he mentions Leonardo Da Vinci, Tony Duquette, Saint Nicholas and his mother.

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